Wednesday, May 2, 2007

121 - May Day Movie

IMG_0937, originally uploaded by carolfoasia.
Tuesday, May 1, 2007

You would think after all the time I spent on my pictures yesterday I would have remembered to post one to my 365, but NOOOOOO! I watched this until I went to bed last night. As I was drifting off, I did remember, but I just didn't have the energy to post this on May 1. So, here is a picture to document what I did on May Day besides getting my beach photoset going and recovering from a lively four days. Sadly, we only got throught the first hour and a half, and it is due! We might even break down and get this one at Blockbuster though. We are HOOKED!

1 comment:

Susanne Barrett said...

Good idea to stay home and rest!

My day yesterday was busy, and so is my today. I probably won't be able to really rest until Saturday. Ugh!