Thursday, May 31, 2007
151 - Rebuilding Wildcat
This beloved park is at the end of our street, In early 2006 the School District and the City Parks and Recreation Department determined that multiple safety issues with the park warranted its closing. The announcement was met with dismay from children and families all over our town and so a group of supporters came together to mount a campaign to rebuild the park. Volunteers (led by two of my wonderful neighbors) have been working tirelessly to get it rebuilt by raising $142,000 with only $8,000 more to go. It is such a neat effort in our community. The last park play structure was built twenty years ago out of wood. This one is a plastic/wood combo that will hopefully last much longer.
The community started building on Tuesday, and the goal is to get it done by Sunday. It has been so inspiring to see the streets around the park jam-packed with cars of volunteers working on it. It is so exciting. It made me cry today when I drove by it, and I had to stop to take a picture. I am so proud of our community and the wonderful, giving people that I live among.
The work area is all roped off. So, I couldn't get any closer than this shot, but what was really special was I noticed two tall boys walking at a distance and said, "Hey, that looks like P and M.!" Then, when I finished taking pictures, I saw this tall, dark, and handsome man appear out of this maze you see above only to disappear again. It was my dear husband! He had taken his second afternoon off from work and today asked the boys to come and help too. They helped dad move wood while he sawed.
What a guy! I think I will make this Reason #12: Because he has a giving heart of service and models that to our boys. :)
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
150 - New Growth
Spring is a time of new growth. I have been trying all month to capture the new growth on the Douglas Fir in my backyard. So, this is my favorite of all of them. I love the light green that pops out from the dark green.
I also love the new growth that has been happening with me. I think when we are in a "good soil" kind of environment with plenty of nourishment, we can't help but grow.
Thanking the Lord for the "place of abundance" that He has led me to these days.
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
149 - Baby, Baby
I was able to take care of Rebekah's baby again. She is six months old now!
I have been working on inside pictures in natural light, and I think this is much better than the first one I took of her back in February. See here to compare: "Baby Beauty."
Monday, May 28, 2007
148 - Good Food, Good Friends, Good Fun!
Sunday, May 27, 2007
147 - Like Mother, Like Son
Today was a graduation party for Bruce and Mary Beth's son, Spencer. I have known him since he was two days old. It is so weird to see him all grown up and graduating from high school!
He just had a lead role in Arsenic and Old Lace and stole the show! He was also Gandalf in The Hobbit from a photo of the day in February. See it here. (Wonder where he gets that acting bug? Like mother like son!)
Saturday, May 26, 2007
146 - In Memoriam
My dh makes it his tradition to put flowers from our yard on the graves of each of his grandparents every Memorial Day Weekend.
So, the alstroemeria (from yesterday's picture) the peony (Day 136), and iris (Day 135) were included in this beautiful bouquet. I think it is neat that he included those from our yard that I had already documented with a photo without even knowing he did that.
I guess I could include this as a "Reason Why I Married Him" as maybe #11: he does these really thoughtful and beautiful things for others.
Friday, May 25, 2007
145 - Lily of the Incas
Never knew I had this plant either, but I just love it! The official name of this flower is the Alstroemeria.
Background: The genus was named for the Swedish baron Clas Alströmer (Claus von Alstroemer) by his close friend Carolus Linnaeus("father of modern taxonomy" ). The plant was first described by the French botanist Louis Feuillée. The plant's seeds were among many collected by Alströmer on a trip to South America in 1753. This particular kind is a native of Brazil, but it is very popular in New Zealand and often called the New Zealand Christmas Bell (because it blooms there during Christmas time!). Other common names are: parrotlily, parrot flower, red parrot beak, and the Peruvian lily
Thursday, May 24, 2007
144 - Feelin' Groovy
I got no deeds to do, no promises to keep.
I'm dappled and drowsy and ready to sleep
Let the morningtime drop all it's petals on me
Life, I love you, all is groovy!
Ba da da da da da da ba bap a dee...
(Simon and Garfunkel, 1966)
I am "foot loose and fancy free," and this song expresses my mood perfectly.
I canceled going to Portland to see Swiss Family Robinson. So, there was nothing on my calendar and nothing in which to prepare because I finished up the SHAPE class last night.
I had major pain in my leg last night. It wouldn't stop unless I walked around, and it is even twitching as I type. I think it is a nerve thing. Thus, why I took a picture of my legs and feet. I am recuperating (I am thinking it is my new orthodics are not right. So, I see the physical therapist on Monday) and enjoying classical music and reading. Love it!
(I did have to shave my legs for the photo. I do it twice a year whether I need to or not. LOL!)
143 - Bumble Bee
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Is there something about these lithodora flowers? Our bumble bees LOVE them! They ignore all the others in the yard and go directly to them.
(BTW: This wouldn't post yesterday due to a cable outage)
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
142 - Psycho Granny
I first met Grandma Jones two years ago when I turned to page 228 of the 6th grade Bob Jones Math book and found her smiling at me with that demon-like smile. Isn't it just strange? I just couldn't stop laughing. This is a great example of "bad art" in textbooks, don't you think?
When my youngest came to page 228 of this infamous book, we just started all the Grandma Jones jokes all over again. Would you trust her candy with a smile like that? (click on the picture and then click on all sizes, and you can see a close up of that smile if you have a hard time seeing it now.)
So, it was a no brainer how Paul wanted to document his 6th grade year because she has brought us so much laughter.
Grandma Jones is being sold in a used book sale in June. Hopefully, a new family will be blessed with much laughter as a result of seeing her picture in this book.
Monday, May 21, 2007
Sunday, May 20, 2007
140 - Hidden Gem
My husband told me that there were photos on the Powershot that hadn't been downloaded. I had forgotten that I took this with the Canon Powershot at our music teacher's house the day our D-80 lens came back. I was so eager to post one from the D-80 that I missed this hidden gem. This is not technically a photo I took today, but it would have been had I downloaded it the day I took it. So, I think it counts.
This photo is in honor of my cousin who was a "hidden gem." He had such a sweet and gentle nature when we were growing up with never an unkind word for me. I have been wanting to call him, it is now too late. Rest in Peace my Sweet Cousin Robert.
Saturday, May 19, 2007
139 - Book Babes
Every third Saturday of the month, I look forward to discussing a book with the "Book Babes" (name given to us by the cook from the place we met at for several years before it closed last year). Today was The Memory Keeper's Daughter
Friday, May 18, 2007
138 - The Historic Elsinore Theatre
We went to see a musical today in Salem. I always love coming to this theatre built in 1926. The Elsinore received its name from Shakespeare’s immortal tragedy, "Hamlet." The design is based on the historic Elsinore Castle in Denmark which is believed to be the setting William Shakespeare chose for Hamlet. It was host to silent movies, vaudeville, and promising new performers, including Edgar Bergen and Charlie McCarthy, Otis Skinner, Clark Gable and the John Phillip Sousa Marine Band. It was slated to be demolished in 1980 but concerned citizens saved it, and it was totally refurbished between 2002-2004. It is a gorgeous theatre.
I learned this is a "proscenium theatre" and this is a "proscenium arch" you see in the picture above. Here is a bit of history about this part of the theatre:
"Original ceiling panels, balcony breasts, and proscenium arch panels were designed, engineered and fabricated by Louis Gluck of Seattle. Each little fan on the proscenium arch had to be engineered differently to make a symmetrical pattern fit into an asymmetrical space. Close examination reveals two different curves. The shape of the panels change as the arch comes down the sides. The left-hand side of the arch honors Mr. Guthrie’s family with a shield of Scotland. His family’s crest is located on the seventh panel up from the left. Mrs. Guthrie’s family is similarly recognized with a shield of Norway, and her family’s crest is the seventh panel up from the right.
There are no high-tech solutions to cleaning historic plasterwork. EverGreene crews stood on scaffolding high above the auditorium stage and used over ten gallons of Simple Green and dozens of disposable two-inch, white bristle brushes to remove the decades of accumulated nicotine, dirt and grime from the theatre’s splendid proscenium arch. Using a hose, a common garden sprayer and a drainage system fashioned from towels, rags, and plastic bags they rinsed the artwork and disposed of the filthy water. The cleaning process took weeks. Once it was completed artists restored the decorative paintings and then sealed them with a removable, conservation varnish specifically designed to protect artwork from dirt and deterioration."
Thursday, May 17, 2007
137 - Ramona and Bird's Eye View Beth
I am in Bible Study with Ramona on Wednesday nights. She is a sweet older lady with a gift of intercession and mercy.
Beth teaches Bird's Eye View of the Bible on Thursday nights. I have known Beth for almost 20 years, and this is the first time I have been able to see her teach the Bible. She has been so faithful to just teach the Word! We had a contest, and my team answered the most questions correctly on the quiz. It was so fun. Dairy Queen gift certificates were the prize. So fun!
It has been a good year with wonderful ladies like these two.
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Monday, May 14, 2007
134 - Morning Chai
I came into the kitchen this morning and saw the beginning of a gorgeous and sunny day hit this. I just thought it was beautiful. I love my cup of tea in the morning.
I am very excited to be back to making real Indian Chai tea. I warm up a cup of skim milk and 1/2 cup of water in a saucepan until warm. Then, I add 1 1/2 tsps of the chai spice I bought at the tea shop (see here) and sugar (3-4 teaspoons or equivalent Splenda). I simmer that for four minutes and strain through a tea strainer. Then, I enjoy!
Sunday, May 13, 2007
Saturday, May 12, 2007
132 - Jamocha Jo's
This is my friend hard at work at the Jamocha Jo's Coffee Shop they opened in January of 2006. It has been really tough to get this business going, and it is still touch and go whether they will be able to make it go. They are giving it two more months.
It has given me great compassion for today's small business owner. It is not an easy life.
Friday, May 11, 2007
131 - Dh and Mother
We met my dh's mom for an early day Mother's Day dinner at a wonderful Hungarian restaurant. I couldn't ask for a nicer mother-in-law.
Thursday, May 10, 2007
130 - Reason #2
Because he is brilliant.
I had the hardest time helping Michael with a math problem, but George figured it out in no time. It helps that he is a math wiz, but he is brilliant in many other ways, and I love the stimulating conversations that we can engage in because of it!
Wednesday, May 9, 2007
129 - Reasons #4 & #3
#4: Because he is a great conversationalist! Here he is sitting in the living room chatting with me. :) (He is now next to me saying "gabbing, babbling, and prattling on and on.")
#3: Because he is so darn HANDSOME to me! I keep asking him, "Why did you marry me?"
Tuesday, May 8, 2007
128 - The Road Ahead
The road ahead is bright and beautiful. This is the trail I took to the top of Chip Ross Park this morning with my friend, Michelle.
I am looking ahead to my future, and it is a beautiful road. I walked beside a person today who is taking up the mantle of the leadership class that I started at my old church. My old partner is out, and this person is my friend whom I can walk beside in this journey even though we now go to different churches.
I do mourn the loss for what might have been in she and I working on a team together, but we can still walk beside each other and encourage each other. My counselor said in her last email:
"You haven’t 'lost' anything, in fact you have multiplied yourself and
your gifts by moving on. Our job is just to put our little 5 loaves and 2
fish into Jesus’ hands, His job is to multiply it to whomever He sees fit.
You will probably not know until eternity just how much He has used even that
short but significant effort that you invested. But it is nothing until He
puts His hands on it anyway. Nothing is ever 'lost' with
Keep on—with joy."
I think this is definitely the perspective I need to have. God has meant it all for good, and I know I am in a better place.
It is UPWARD and ONWARD in the journey, and the journey is as beautiful as this one you see above. The view is also beautiful when we reach the end of our journey. I know that "All things do work together for good."
The View from the Top of Chip Ross Park
Monday, May 7, 2007
127 - Sunrise Purple Iris
I spied this in my neighbor's front yard as I was returning from my exercise class and had to steal a shot from her yard.
Sunday, May 6, 2007
126 - Wardie's Teacup
My grandmother was a collector of tea cups, and I inherited most of them. Wardie is a nickname based on my maiden name. I never called her grandma!
It was also a day to finally figure out how to take indoor pictures without flash without them becoming blurry. George and I laughed because we could have read the manual a long time ago and figured it out. I hope to have more indoor, non-blurry photos from now on!
Saturday, May 5, 2007
Friday, May 4, 2007
124 - Poppy in Afternoon Sun
I love how the sun was hitting this in my backyard. I was able to take it with my D-80 because the lens came back this afternoon fully repaired. I am so happy!
Thursday, May 3, 2007
123 - May 3, 1986 - May 3, 2007
I stopped by Mary Beth and Bruce's to do a couple of exchanges, and they informed me that it was their 21st wedding anniversary today. So, I just had to make this the photo of the day!
To think that I was actually there 21 years ago to witness the blessed event up in Seattle, Washington. She was just shy of 22 years old. The years have passed far too quickly. They have been fantastic parents to four incredible human beings, and their love has grown stronger through each passing year. They have faced their biggest challenge of Bruce's melanoma TOGETHER with the Lord. It is a beautiful thing.
Happy Anniversary Bruce and Mary Beth!!!!!!
(See picture below to see what I looked like 21 years ago. The 80's were such "big hair" years!)
Rehearsal Dinner May 1986
Yes, this is me with the bride-to-be. I just had to put this scanned photo along with their wedding picture. :)
Wednesday, May 2, 2007
122 - Closure!
I just returned from teaching the spiritual gifts section of the SHAPE class at my church tonight. It went so well! There were twenty women there and everything ran very smoothly. Thankfully, people from my prayer loop prayed for me because I was dragging this afternoon as I prepared for it but was reenergized around the time they all started praying. Thank you! It was a pleasure to lead, and I think the women had a very fun time.
121 - May Day Movie
You would think after all the time I spent on my pictures yesterday I would have remembered to post one to my 365, but NOOOOOO! I watched this until I went to bed last night. As I was drifting off, I did remember, but I just didn't have the energy to post this on May 1. So, here is a picture to document what I did on May Day besides getting my beach photoset going and recovering from a lively four days. Sadly, we only got throught the first hour and a half, and it is due! We might even break down and get this one at Blockbuster though. We are HOOKED!
Note: While we were at the testing, Paul completed about five math lessons and his year of school too! Since we can only have ONE picture a day, we will post the PERFECT picture to commemorate his school year tomorrow. We have a great idea for it. Stay tuned!