I moved the Nativity Scene off of the coffee table to a side table since we are done with our Advent Wreath (won't be done with the Nativity until after King's Day on the 6th). After doing that, P commented that it really looks better over there. We schemed that for next year we will do it opposite with the Nativity on the side table and the Advent Wreath on the Coffee table. Much more attractive, communal, and good for when we have guests and need space on the coffee table for . . . coffee!
Just as we decided on the new plan for next Christmas, Joseph (as if on cue) fell over, and we laughed because we think he was just so AMAZED at our bright idea that he was bowled over.
We laughed hilariously and guess you just had to be there. We are the Weird W's at Work.
That is funny! LOL I like your nativity set; it's beautiful. I think I need a new one.
I'm glad you think it is funny. You know how some things are funny to you, but you aren't sure if anyone else will think it is funny. :)
It was funny, corny, but funny :-).
I thought it was funny, too, and noticed that in my nativity photo one of my smaller little camels is fallen over on it's side... i guess he was pooped from all of that travelling since the wisemen are about 5 times his size.
I love your family, Carol! You all enjoy each other so much! :-)
Dalissa, you crack me up! I would be a tuckered little camel too if I had those guys on my back. :)
He has a year to rest up until his next journey though. So, maybe he will grow in the hibernation period?
Thanks for writing this.
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