Description of stack from top down:
Calculator - for averaging our rating scores for the book. It was 7.6
Anna Karenina - Constance Garnett Translation (most had the Oprah Peveer translation)
The Well-Educated Mind by Susan Wise-Bauer - Brought out for reference regarding Anna Karenina
Sense and Sensibility - Brought out because we were talking about Austen, and I am going to watch it today while I make my mom's 80th birthday scrapbook
Jane Austen: The Complete Novels - We will read Pride and Prejudice next!
What Jane Austen ATE and Charles Dickens KNEW by Daniel Pool - Recommended as a great reference for reading English literature, packed with background information for things from Fox Hunting to Whist.
My TWEM Novels Notebook - Has the typed out grammar, logic, and rhetoric questions I answered while going through the 31 novels in The Well-Educated Mind. I used it to help myself lead the discussion.
Off to scrapbook and make an Ephipany Treasure Chest Cake!
Books are beautiful. Photographs of books are beautiful!!
I would love to be part of a book club like yours. I really like Anna K. It made me think.
Great descriptive photograph of your day. I'd love to be a part of your book club any day.
You are all invited to my book club any time!
I am glad you like Anna K., Paula! I don't think they were as wild about it as I am. :)
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