Wednesday, January 31, 2007
Mr. Knightly Speeds By Like A Knight in Shining Armor

Tuesday, January 30, 2007
Happy Place by Morning Light
Monday, January 29, 2007
Shave and a Haircut . . . 2 Bits
Yesterday, MJ had a shave and today it is a haircut for both the boys. I told PC that I wanted to put his picture in the photolog so he doesn't think that I am ignoring him and not just putting pictures of MJ on there. The main reason is that it is because he doesn't want to have it taken! (That is why he is grimacing in the picture!)
About title: Shave and a Haircut, and the associated response, "two bits", is a simple (7 or 8 note) musical couplet sometimes used at the end of a musical performance (or, much less often, at the beginning). The seven-note variant is often called the world's shortest complete song, having an introduction (one note), a question (two notes), a response (two more notes), and a conclusion (the final two notes). The generic and oft-used two-note fanfare known colloquially as "TA-DAAAA" is shorter, but arguably not a complete song. (From Wikipedia.com)
Sunday, January 28, 2007
First Shave
Saturday, January 27, 2007
Chasing the Sun
I took a ton of shots at the party, but this is the best shot of the day!
Friday, January 26, 2007
Fly Fishing at Twilight
Thursday, January 25, 2007
January Self-Portrait
I needed to learn how to do the self-timer, and I also have to send a picture to a friend who wants me to write a blurb promoting her seminars. So, I am killing two birds with one stone.
It was a funny day. I broke down in tears at Bible study. Pretty difficult when you are the one leading it, but at least they know that I am real. Very sweet responses. I am just in the right place where I have the freedom to cry when I need to. That is a good feeling even though now I feel a bit silly for doing it.
So, this is me after an emotional day. I decided to do no retouches with make up for the camera or even brush my hair. This is me after a good cry! I am unwinding on the couch and debriefing with my husband. What you don't see is the baked brie cheese in a sourdough round loaf and a steamer from my favorite hot beverage drive-thru. It is so great to decompress this way.
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
Books for the Shut In
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
Sunrise the Next Morning
It was a day that I could have chased this sunrise because I was up at 5 a.m. , but I was in a "stay cozy inside" kind of mood. So, I just skipped out to my backyard to grab this shot over houses and through trees.
I love how the sun has been greeting me in the morning and tucking me in at night these last couple of sunny days!
Monday, January 22, 2007
Sunset on a Lovely Monday
Sunday, January 21, 2007
Bald Hill Hike
George and I had a great hike today up to the top of Bald Hill. We both brought our respective cameras and had a picture taking date. I'm trying to work on closer shots, and I still don't have this new camera figured out in this department, but I am having fun trying!
I was POOPED after the hike. It was my first bit of exercise since I got so sick.
Saturday, January 20, 2007
The Sunrise of Your Smile
Sunrise Of Your Smile
by Michael Card
Reject the worldly lie that says,
That life lies always up ahead,
Let power go before control
Escape the hunger to possess,
And soul-diminishing success,
This world is full of narrow lives,
I pray by grace your smile survives.
Would welcome ridicule, my child,
To simply see the sunrise of your smile,
To see the light behind your eyes,
The happy thought that makes you fly,
Yes, I would wander weary miles,
To simply see the sunrise of your smile.
Now close your eyes so you can see,
Your own unfinished memories,
Now open them, for time is brief,
And you'll be blest beyond belief,
Now glance above you at the sky,
There's beauty there to blind the eye,
I ask all this then wait awhile,
To see the dawning of your smile.
Friday, January 19, 2007
The Dead Dads Club
Christina: There's a Club. The Dead Dads Club and you can't be in it 'til you're in it. Oh yah, you can try and understand. You can sympathize; but until you feel that loss . . .My dad died when I was nine . . .George . . .I'm really sorry you had to join the club.
George: I don't know how to exist in a world where my dad doesn't.
Christina: Yeah, and that never really changes.
Grey's Anatomy, 1/18/2007
All day, I tried out different things with the new camera, wanting to experiment and just snapping this sketch of my dad while I searched throughout the house for subjects. It wasn't until I got an email from my dear friend who wanted to know if missing her dad would get easier (She lost him three years ago this February). All I could think about was this scene from Grey's Anatomy last night and thinking that no one can really understand until they have experienced that particular loss. I think she wrote because she knew that I was already part of the club and had been for a long while.
Christina was so right when she said "that never really changes" when George says he didn't know how to exist in a world where his dad didn't exist. Even as I write this I am crying. Even as I watched it last night I bawled like a little baby. There is something about that bond. Does it every get any easier? I lost him at 25, that was 22 years ago, almost half my life ago.
I wrote my friend back tonight and told her about this scene and tried to do my best to send my encouragement and promise of prayer. I even rewatched that scene on the internet to get the exact words. I found out the writer had lost her father in the same way and wrote about it on the show and dedicated it to his memory. The message boards were flooded with posts from people who belong to the Club.
So, it was a slam dunk what my picture of the day would be about today. It doesn't show off my new D-80 camera, but it shows off my dad. He is infinitely more beautiful than any sunset, and someone I can't wait to see in heaven.
In memory of Charles William Wardrop July 12, 1918 - May 2, 1985 the greatest man I have ever met just because he was my dad.
Thursday, January 18, 2007
The B.R.A.T. Diet
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
All Day in my Room with the Flu
I come home and within about an hour of coming in the door, I became violently ill. So, I have been in bed all day. (Thus the unmade bed) This is our new D-80 Nikon Camera, and my dh is on the right giving me coaching for taking it without the flash. Can't wait to get out of my room and try the camera out!
Tuesday, January 16 - Sunset Over Southern California
Monday, January 15 - The Golden Globe Awards
My mom's birthday always falls around the Golden Globes. So, my brother, sister-in-law, and I watch it together when I am down there for her birthday. We watched it from 5 - 11, eating the leftovers from the party. We had seen Dreamgirls on Saturday. So, we cheered Jennifer Hudson and Eddie Murphy when they won, and when the movie won for Best Musical. You gotta' see that movie. Jennifer Hudson is PHENOMENAL!
Sunday, January 14 - Mom's 80th Birthday Bash
My brother and I with my mom. She has lived a very good life. She loved the scrapbook. It also doubled as the guest book. So, the guests browsed it before they signed. We had a buffet, cake, Italian cookies, and Champagne (or Sparkling Cider). We also had entertainment. About fifty people showed up to commemorate my mom's life.
Saturday, January 13 - The Sunset View From My Mom's House
Friday, January 12 - Wine and Cheese Party
Thursday, January 11 - M and Me
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
Let It Snow?

Tuesday, January 9, 2007
Scrapbook Finished!

This is me putting together the last five pages of my mom's book. I took a break and got my hair cut. So, I made sure my son included my new hair do.
Funny story: I came to the picture of my mom walking in the "swimsuit" competition representing "Miss Tall Chicago" in the national pageant. I wanted to know the date, and I thought that I would call my mom knowing that she probably wouldn't remember.
Me: Mom, do you remember when you were Miss Tall Chicago?
Mom: Call Chicago. No, you called me, and I have your message on my machine.
Me: No mom. TALL not CALL. Maybe you should turn down the volume on your TV. (As she is turning down the volume, I notice my kids are laughing on the couch, and I start laughing too.)
Mom: Now, what is this about me calling Chicago?
Me: No mom, you know you were Miss Tall Chicago back in the late forties or fifties. You know the Tall Girl Club you were part of.
Mom: No, Carol, I was never a CALL GIRL. Where did you get the idea I was a CALL GIRL? Why would I do a thing like that?
Me: (My kids are now uncontrollably laughing, and I am trying my hardest not to laugh.) Oh, never mind. I'll see you tomorrow, mom.
Mom: Ok, I love you.
Me: I love you too. :)
Monday, January 8, 2007

I was so engrossed in my scrapbooks, and I almost canceled this appointment because I needed to finish, but I am so glad that I didn't. I hadn't seen B since October!
I met her in May when God told me to go get a manicure, and I said, "Say what?" I said, "Do you want me to go and share with someone?" He said, "YEP." So, I went to get pampered for Jesus. (LOL!)
That day, she told me about her family situation, and I told her I would pray for her. Her face lit up and she said, "Do you know the Bible? I am reading and am in the book of Job. Are you one of those people who believes you have have to believe in God to go to heaven?" This first discussion led to many more over the course of the summer until she told me in the fall that she had made a commitment to Christ.
Well, today she told me that she finished the whole Bible, and that she had some questions. It was a great time, and she told me that she was getting baptized!
I told her I would be posting about her, and she said that would be just fine! She thinks this Project365 is a super thing!
Sunday, January 7, 2007
Photographs and Memories

How does one summarize a life in 48 short 7x7 pages?
This has been a wonderful project for me to remember the 80 years of my mom's life.
She spent her first 29 years growing up poor in Chicago. She survived the depression while taking care of her two younger sisters so both parents could work in order to make ends meet. She graduated from the University of Illinois, Urbana and was the first to do so in her family. She won Miss Chicago Tall and became a medical technologist. She moved to "God's Country," (Los Angeles) and within two weeks met a "tall, dark and handsome" man while shopping for a car. On their first day he said, "How would you like a 'slightly used' husband?" The rest is history.
The next 29 years were spent with this man, inheriting a 12 year old boy and having two more within three years. Life was full with "Big Chuck" who took her water skiing and fishing and camping and on a ride that she still has not forgotten and was far too short.
The last 22 years have been spent cruising the world, cuddling grandchildren, and caring for people through her church. Alzheimer's and osteoporosis have slowed her down in more recent years, but she has lived a full and rich and lovely life full of warm and wonderful memories.
This is my tribute to her.
Saturday, January 6, 2007
Ephipany Book Club

Description of stack from top down:
Calculator - for averaging our rating scores for the book. It was 7.6
Anna Karenina - Constance Garnett Translation (most had the Oprah Peveer translation)
The Well-Educated Mind by Susan Wise-Bauer - Brought out for reference regarding Anna Karenina
Sense and Sensibility - Brought out because we were talking about Austen, and I am going to watch it today while I make my mom's 80th birthday scrapbook
Jane Austen: The Complete Novels - We will read Pride and Prejudice next!
What Jane Austen ATE and Charles Dickens KNEW by Daniel Pool - Recommended as a great reference for reading English literature, packed with background information for things from Fox Hunting to Whist.
My TWEM Novels Notebook - Has the typed out grammar, logic, and rhetoric questions I answered while going through the 31 novels in The Well-Educated Mind. I used it to help myself lead the discussion.
Off to scrapbook and make an Ephipany Treasure Chest Cake!
Friday, January 5, 2007
Tea for Two - Chaos for Four
Thursday, January 4, 2007
The Sun as I Sit in My Happy Spot

I wanted to take it right from the perspective of sitting here and not standing because this is what I first spied as I was reading my Bible and praying this morning. Things are so up in the air with this online community, but I feel that God was just peeking in and saying, "I am here, and you can trust Me." He showed up this morning, and considering we have had pouring down rain for the last few days and for days to come, I count this as a miracle!
Wednesday, January 3, 2007
Joseph was Bowled Over by the Idea

I moved the Nativity Scene off of the coffee table to a side table since we are done with our Advent Wreath (won't be done with the Nativity until after King's Day on the 6th). After doing that, P commented that it really looks better over there. We schemed that for next year we will do it opposite with the Nativity on the side table and the Advent Wreath on the Coffee table. Much more attractive, communal, and good for when we have guests and need space on the coffee table for . . . coffee!
Just as we decided on the new plan for next Christmas, Joseph (as if on cue) fell over, and we laughed because we think he was just so AMAZED at our bright idea that he was bowled over.
We laughed hilariously and guess you just had to be there. We are the Weird W's at Work.