Tuesday, April 10, 2007

100 - Half and Half

100 - Half and Half, originally uploaded by carolfoasia.

This is half buds and half blossoms. I confess that this was taken yesterday because I wanted to have a comparison photo for when it is fully blossomed, but I didn't know I would be without my good lens on my D-80 for when it totally blossomed. So, I am showing it to you today!

I don't know what kind of flower it is though, but I thought it was so pretty! I will hear from my master gardener soon and let you know! (She says it is a viburnam)


Susanne Barrett said...

Gorgeous, Carol! Love half-buds, half-blooms.

I have no idea what kind of flower it is -- it looks like a hydrangea, but not quite, I think.

Katrina said...

Whatever it is, it's very pretty. Our spring is gone and took the flowers with it. :( So, I enjoy seeing your blooms!

LauraLiz said...

How pretty! Give me some scale...how big is the cluster?