Tuesday, June 12, 2007

163 - Still Racing

163 - Still Racing, originally uploaded by carolfoasia.

His heart has been racing since 12:20. That is 7 hours 20 minutes and still counting at press time, but his record is 24 hours. In the past, a shower has curbed it, but he took one at work and called me at 1:40 to say that he needed to come home because it wouldn't stop. I took him straight to the doctor who ran an ECG and sent him to get a chest x-ray. Tomorrow will be the echocardiogram. It is Atrial Fibrillation and the thyroid was ruled out long ago. He hasn't had an episode in over two years, but it always causes my heart to race too. :(

UPDATE: Still racing at 8 a.m. PST on Wednesday (almost 20 hours)


Sandy said...

How scary! I hope it slows down soon. Do they have any idea what causes it?

Good shot, btw w/ the meds and G. in the background.

Unknown said...

Scary is right. Peace to all of you. I hope you find out what the cause is soon.

And yes, amazing photo.

Carol Ann Weaver said...

No idea what is causing it, but it has been something he has had for quite a while. For some, it is because of conjective heart failure, but this isn't the case with him.

Sandie said...

(((Carol))) I know how scary it is to have a sick dh that they can't figure out. I do like the picture.

Susanne Barrett said...

This happens to me with excessive sugar or gluten, but not for this long.

I also had it during all four of my pregnancies, but we know that's not his problem, LOL!

I had a heart rate of 150-180 for almost a week straight. It was exhausting, and we never found out an exact cause.

Hugs and prayers!

Unknown said...

Does he have an allergy to MSG? Sometimes that can set this off too. Yikes. Keep us posted.

carrie said...

Praying, Carol! I hope it has stopped by now.