Friday, August 31, 2007
Thursday, August 30, 2007
242 - Black Out
It was all a blur. One minute I was coming up from bending over during my 10:30 a.m. Pilates class, and the next minute there was a big thud on the floor, and that thud was ME!
How embarassing! I had forgotten to eat breakfast before. :(
(Obvious, this picture is an abstraction of what happened, but I remember seeing my pink shirt and blue shorts, and that is what is reflected in this picture. Trying to be artsy. :))
241 - Green and Visions of Apple Pie Dance in My Head
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
We came back from vacation to a tree loaded with apples! We will soon be making apple butter, applesauce, and apple pies!
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
240 - Evening Glow of Hearth and Home
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
I went to turn off the lights for the night, and I loved the warm glow of my living room. I sat on the couch on the left much of the day and "reentered" my peaceful home world after a whirlwind of a vacation in fast-paced Southern California.
It is good to be home.
Monday, August 27, 2007
238 - Our Caboose Room
Sunday, August 26, 2007
We have a tradition of stopping at the Railroad Park Resort Caboose Motel in Dunsmuir, CA every time we return from our time in Southern California. It is a time for us to decompress and process our time. This is the inside of a real train caboose! See our CA set on flickr for all the pictures of the surrounding area. It is so beautiful!
237 - 30 Year Reunion
Saturday, August 25, 2007
I was apprehensive about going, but I am so glad that I did. I realized that I grew up with some really wonderful people. Some of them I have known since I was a preschooler! We had so many funny stories. Did I really lock Heather in with our chicken, Pepper? (To where she has been afraid of chickens every since.) Did I really spill raspberry syrup on the back of Bob's tuxedo at the prom!? We laughed a TON and had fun! My only regret was that 5 hours was not long enough to talk to everyone! I wished I could have gone to the picnic the next day, but we had to make it back to Oregon by Tuesday morning.
Also, I got to see Nikki on the way up to my reunion!
Friday, August 24, 2007
236 - Before Boogie Boarding
We met at my sister-in-law's house in La Jolla for a barbeque before hitting the beach to boogie board and lounge on the beach. From left to right: my niece Jenna, sister-in-law Debbie, sister-in-law Holly, my brother Chris, my nephew Mitchell, Me, Michael, Paul, and George.
It was another great day in Southern California!
Boogie Boys
We went to a beach in La Jolla with my family today. My kids boogie boarded for the first time and had a blast!
Thursday, August 23, 2007
235 - Becoming Jane
I met Terri at my mom's church about ten years ago, and she is a SOUL MATE. She loves Colin Firth and Jane Austen and Jesus (not necessarily in that order). The last few visits down to California, I haven't been able to get together with her, but I saw her at church on Sunday, had lunch with her and her husband yesterday, and got to see Becoming Jane with her tonight with her daughter who is an English major at Westmont College. We all loved the movie and time together.
234 - Brother Bill
This is my oldest brother (fourteen years my senior). We have not been able to connect when I have traveled to San Diego the last few times, but this time we did! He lives only six blocks away from Balboa Park! While my kids and George went to the Science Center, I walked to the other side of Balboa and had a good chat with him under the San Diego sun.
Bill played for the US National Volleyball team and for the pro teams in Arizona and San Diego. He even played with Tom Selleck!! He started out playing beach volleyball back in the 60's and many of those friends went on to play on the National Team.
More recently, he was hit by a bus, and he cannot walk without crutches. It has been a hard couple of years for Bill, but he is moving forward.
Believe it or not, he pulled out HIS camera to take a picture of me before I did!!!!!! He told me that he likes to take pictures regularly because they tell a story. I enthusiastically told him about telling the story of my year with Project365! So fun to have that connection.
A lovely time sitting on the grass with my brother. After this, I went to the zoo with Susanne and her four lovely children (see below).
Another great day!
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
233 - A Magical Evening at Balboa Park
San Diego Museum of Art
We just happened to hit Balboa Park on the SDMA FREE day and the this was the special exhibit! Talk about being in HEAVEN!
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
232 - Talking with Mom
Monday, August 20, 2007
I spent most of the day with mom at her assisted-living place. I invited one of her long-time friends over but forgot to take a picture! So, this will have to do. It says so much about how my mom spends her days now only there isn't usually someone talking to her.
Monday, August 20, 2007
231 - Fallbrook Presbyterian
This was my parents' church starting in 1977 when they moved to Fallbrook, CA until my mom moved to a new home and started attending a church in her new city in 2001. They walked with us through my dad's cancer, conducted his memorial service in 1985, picked my mom up in her depression following my dad, grandfather, and grandmother's deaths (all of which she was caregiver), and sent us out to Southeast Asia in 1997.
It is a vibrant and wonderful church. The pastor encouraged us all to go see Shakepeare's Hamlet in the midst of his sermon. I LOVE this pastor's love for beauty (had a slide show to music with photographs of sea creatures from the book "The Deep") and literature and how he glorifies God in the midst of it! Awesome day of worship with this home away from home!
In addition, I got to see the widow of my dad's best friend. She is still leading Bible studies and feeding the homeless at 85! She is one of the FEW of my parents' friends who is still alive, and I invited her to come and lunch with my mom at assisted-living on Monday.
Having a wonderful time wish you were here!
Saturday, August 18, 2007
230 - Airborne Brother Chris
229 - A Boy and His Dog
Friday, August 17, 2007
We arrived in Temecula at about 12:30. Here is my nephew with his lab.
Thursday, August 16, 2007
228 - California Here We Come
We left at 5:20 this morning and made it to our hotel in Santa Nella by 4:10. We are now going to go eat at Pea Soup Andersen's!
227 - How Sweet It Is
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Tonight was Bruce's 50th birthday and over a hundred people came to celebrate. He reminded us all that life is sweet and precious and that we need to love people everyday. We don't know if Bruce will make it to his 51st, but today was so very sweet in everyway.
(His admiring women are his daugter, a friend, and his sister)
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Monday, August 13, 2007
225 - On Top of the World
This is a sculpture my oldest son made from modeling clay today. I thought it was cute.
Sunday, August 12, 2007
224 - Around Again
Yes, a picture from our fun afternoon/early evening yesterday. I was feeling poorly all day. While the kids went and played on a farm (and forgot the camera!), I rested on the couch.
Since I liked this picture from yesterday, I am just posting it today!
Saturday, August 11, 2007
223 - Picking Date
We found ourselves free of children for the whole afternoon. We have been meaning to pick for weeks! So, we picked 7 1/2 pounds in 45 minutes and rewarded ourselves with Jamocha Jo's and Japanese food afterward. A great afternoon!
Friday, August 10, 2007
Thursday, August 9, 2007
221 - Individuals Can Make History
I read page 151 through tears this afternoon. Praise God for people like William Wilberforce.
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
220 - Library Spoils
"You go into the restaurants of a town and you see people with hungry stomachs, but you go into the library of the same town and you will see hungry brains feasting upon their favorites. There are all too few libraries, and far too many restaurants. People should eat less and think more." - Matthew Adams
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
219 - Satisfaction
Chai tea and a good book. Ahhhhh. . .satisfaction! I saw these two items on my coffee table today and thought they matched so well in color too. :)
Monday, August 6, 2007
218 - Sappy
My father-in-law cut down this tree that was planted the year my dh and I started dating 18 years ago. They spent much of today chopping up the wood.
217 - All Cooped Up
Sunday, August 5, 2007
This chicken coop has been in use for the better part of my husband's 45 years, and he doesn't think it has ever been cleaned. Needless to say . . .
There is a lot of Poop in that Coop!
(P.S. What do you think they are saying to one another?)
Saturday, August 4, 2007
216 - Carol's Clothesline of Art
My husband helped Carol hang her art up at the Corvallis Art Guild "Clothesline Sale of Art" on the courthouse lawn. Carol was in my James Precept study in 2004-05. She has lived a hard life! She is a lovely, talented, godly lady and I just love how her dress matches the colors in her art. :)
Friday, August 3, 2007
215 - Do You Get It?
This was George's idea, but my friend's beer at a salmon barbeque. Do you get it?
Thursday, August 2, 2007
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
213 - Spider Solitaire Reflections
I mellow out this way. Sometimes, I play this game and listen to iTunes or a book on tape and evaluate the day and pray.