Monday, December 31, 2007
We'll take a cup of kindness dear . . .
Auld Lang Syne - a poem by Robert Burns
The poem Auld Land Syne by Robert Burns has been immortalised by the tradition of singing the lyrics to
Auld Lang Syne at Christmas and New Year parties. Auld Lang Syne is also sung on Burns Night, 25th January to celebrate the life and works of Robert Burns. This musical version of Auld Lang Syne usually consists of the first verse and the chorus. Auld Lang Syne was written in 1788 and the words 'Auld Lang Syne' literally translates from old Scottish dialect meaning 'Old Long Ago' and is about love and friendship in times past. The words in the poem Auld Lang Syne referring to 'We'll take a Cup of Kindness yet' relate to a drink shared by men and women to symbolise friendship. Happy New Year!!!
Should auld acquaintance be forgot,
And never brought to mind?
Should auld acquaintance be forgot,
And auld lang syne?
For auld lang syne, my dear,
For auld lang syne,
We'll tak a cup o' kindness yet,
For auld lang syne.
Sunday, December 30, 2007
363 - Anne of Green Gables
Saturday, December 29, 2007
Mary Beth called me at 5:30 p.m. to tell me that she had an extra ticket to the sold out performance of Anne of Green Gables at 7:30. I jumped at the opportunity. This high school senior NAILED her. It was a pleasure to watch from beginning to end.
Friday, December 28, 2007
362 - Late Lucia LOL!
Santa Lucia Day is December 13, but we didn't get around to it this year until AFTER Christmas!
Santa Lucia is known in Sweden as the "Queen of Light." She was born in Syracus, Sicily in the third century A.D. of noble Greek parentage. She wanted to give her dowry to the poor, but the man to whom she was betrothed was furious! He brought it to the authorities, and she was martyred on December 13, 304. She is called the "Queen of Light" because she was willing to give up her life to honor Christ.
On this day, the eldest daughter (or mother) in the family protrays Lucia. Dressed in white and wearing a crown of lighted candles symbolic of her name she awakens the family with a tray of freshly baked Lucia buns and hot coffee, tea, or hot chocolate.
Since I am Swedish (50%), it is a way to honor my heritage and pass on this lovely tradition to my children even when it is a little late. :)
361 - Grandma's 1930 Woodcut
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
360 - The Light Still Shines
I have been on the couch since 7:30 a.m. The Advent Candles have burned as I have read my Bible, journaled, listened to Mannheim Steamroller, and gotten myself organized for the future. It is almost 3 p.m. now, and there are only two candles left burning. What a lovely and relaxing day.
359 - White Christmas!
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
We were surprised to see little snowflakes mixed with rain on our way to Newberg this morning. We thought, "It won't stick." Well, it didn't stick on the Willamette Valley floor, but it did at Grandmother's house since it is about 200 feet above sea level! Perched on the side of her hill we overlooked her front acre of evergreens as we ate our Christmas lunch. It continued to fall throughout the meal! After lunch, George and Paul went outside and built a snow man! It was magical since we had not even dreamed of having a White Christmas! We haven't had snow at Christmas for about fifteen years. This picture of the little evergreen tree was my favorite shot of all and taken by my guest photog, George. :)
358 - The Simplicity of the Stable
Monday, December 24, 2007
Before I turned out the living room lights I looked at Mary and Joseph who had just made it to the stable and are awaiting the coming of the Christ like the rest of us.
Today was a day of beauty for me from beginning to end: sleeping in and going to Group Power weight lifting with my favorite instructor, Angie, seeing the gloomy clouds disappear through the cathedral windows in the new exercise room and blue sky emerge, deciding to run outside in the sunshine (after so many days of solid rain) instead of inside on the treadmill, spying a beautiful brook that had emerged through a forest of trees and bright green grass, running through some old running trails near my old house, basking in the sun as I listened to Michael W. Smith's Christmas album on my iPod and worshiping the God who made us all, coming home to a wonderful family, gathering around the advent wreath and singing, and, finally, relaxing with them as we watched movies and ate pizza.
It was a peaceful and wonderful Christmas Eve.
Muppet Christmas Carol on Christmas Eve
We watched The Muppet Christmas Carol and It's a Wonderful Life this Christmas Eve as we ate "red and green" pizza (Meditteranean Chicken with sundried tomatoes and spinach) and lime sherbet punch out of our fancy glass punch bowl. We usually go to a Christmas Eve service and have a family over for dinner, but nobody could come, and the kids really wanted to stay home after two nights of being out with friends. I loved the relaxed evening immensely.
It was lovely. I just love The Christmas Carol by Dickens, and I really think that the Muppet Christmas Carol gets it RIGHT in terms of having lines directly out of the book. It was such a pleasure to watch with the ones I love.
Sunday, December 23, 2007
357 - The Wise Men's Candle
We light this candle on the fourth Sunday in Advent to remind us of God's gift of His Son Jesus. In giving us His Son He gave us Himself. In our house, it is purple to remind us of the wise men who came and brought gifts to the baby Jesus.
356 - Cowden Cul de Sac Christmas Caroling
Saturday, December 22, 2007
Remember the 4th of July Party Hostess with the Mostest, Lisa? Well, she and her lovely family also host a Christmas Caroling Party every year. (except they were in Australia last Christmas and DIDN'T fly home to host the party. Imagine that?).
What a blessed time!
355 - Couples Christmas Dinner
Friday, December 21, 2007
The festive weekend began with a couples dinner at our house with dear friends. We dropped our kids off at Doug and Lisa's to hang out with their kids, and D & L and Pete and Sharon came here for a quiet candlelight dinner. We had a lovely time.
My only regret is that the picture of Doug and Lisa was too blurry in the low light and didn't make the photo mosaic!
Thursday, December 20, 2007
354 - Christmas Self-Portrait
I realized that I hadn't done a self-portrait in a very long time. So, this may be the last one for 365!
Merry Christmas!!!!!
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
353 - Wrapping it Up
I picked up dear husband at 11:00 a.m., and we finished up our gift (and grocery) shopping by 1:00 p.m. So, this picture is literally the "wrap up" of this year's gifts! CLOSURE!
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
352 - Swedish Spritz Perfection
My mom used to make Spritz cookies for us every Christmas as her mom did before her. We carry on that tradition only GEORGE is the one who usually makes them. He presented them to me on this lovely Christmas plate so I had to take a picture because it looked so pretty!
Last year, catastrophe rocked the "W" household when our Pampered Chef Cookie Press ring BROKE in the middle of the process! This year was saved without having to purchase a whole new press thanks to my friend and Pampered Chef consultant, Dorothy. She was able to replace the ring for only $3! Really, don't mess around with those laborious metal cookie presses. Buy the Pampered Chef one if you want flawless and easy Spritz cookies everytime.
The Circle of Life
The tradition continues throughout the generations. He got them so RED this year. Usually, they come out pink.
Monday, December 17, 2007
351 - Linn-Benton Food Share
Today, we volunteered with others in the community (including four other homeschool families) at the Linn-Benton Food Share. We prepared 9,000 mailers for mailing and had a great time in the process. We met a new family who wants to start an English country dance club (think Jane Austen flicks)!
Sunday, December 16, 2007
350 - The Shepherds' Candle
The third Sunday in Advent is the Shepherds' candle. It is also known as the joy candle so we sang "Joy to the World" by candlelight tonight.
349 - Backyard Buck
Saturday, December 15, 2007
We were all excited to spy this four point buck in our backyard today. According to you Easterners, it is considered an eight point buck!
We just finished the seventh season of Monarch of the Glen, and this guy reminded me of "Big Eric"!
348 - Gingerbread House Day
Friday, December 14, 2007
Our yearly tradition, and Paul enjoys it the most of any of us. We did it with the Kinkades today.
Thursday, December 13, 2007
347 - 4-H Woodworking Class
My boys went to 4-H today with their dad who is my guest photographer because I stayed at home and vegged on the couch today. They are making tool boxes.
The Woodworking Class
John, the instructor, is on the right. He is a WONDERFUL man who is an elder at our church. He is a good teacher and so gentle with the kids. George has loved assisting him in class.
346 - Mt. Shasta from the Air
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
I know it is a fuzzy shot through an airplane window, but we went by Mt. Shasta on the east side this time as compared to the west side two weeks ago from I-5. Here is the other shot of Mt. Shasta: SHASTA
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
345 - In Memoriam
We commemorated my mom's life with a memorial service. It was simply beautiful in every way from beginning to end. Good-bye dear Mom and thank you.
344 - Wouldn't You Like to Ride . . .
Monday, December 10, 2007
In my beautiful balloon?
We looked out the French doors of our villa this morning to see this balloon floating by. It was so close, we could hear the flame.
343 - A Place of Refuge
Sunday, December 9, 2007
We made our way down to Southern California today for my mom's memorial service. We decided that we needed a place of refuge apart from family members to have privacy and rest and relaxation while we mourn. We are staying at the South Coast Winery Resort and Spa. ( We have a beautiful villa with a HUGE bathroom overlooking the vineyard. It is lovely (and for a discount price!).
Saturday, December 8, 2007
342 - From Dear Husband
Yesterday, when I was making arrangements for the memorial service, my dh walked in the door with these sunny flowers, and it cheered me up in my grief. Yellow flowers are my favorite!
Friday, December 7, 2007
341 - Heavenly Home
340 - St. Nicholas Day Tradition
Thursday, December 6, 2007
We have been celebrating St. Nicholas Day with the "I" family for the past six years. What a joy to have such a fun tradition with such a great family!
St. Nicholas Day Sunset
I was looking at the beginnings of this as my hands and arms were covered in flour while making the St. Nicholas Day cookies. I did catch it when I drove away and had to stop and take a picture!
339 - Christmas Teapot
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
One of my favorite things about this season is having tea from my Christmas teapot!
338 - Light in my Day
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
After two days of pouring rain, light poured into my house.
336 - Prophets Candle
Sunday, December 2, 2007
In this first Sunday of Advent, we light the prophets candle who told of the coming of the Christ.
Saturday, December 1, 2007
335 - Finding the Perfect Tree
This is our ninth year going to Donavan's Tree Farm to get a Christmas Tree. We settled on a six foot Douglas Fir.
333 - A Slice of Happiness
This morning, the sun came shining through the window during my quiet time on the couch. I know it sounds so silly, but God always has a way of confirming things with me by having sun shine through windows. George noticed the dance of light on my hair and called it my "slice of happiness." I see it as God's confirmation that George (My Mr. Knightly) was right in having me come home even though my mom is not gone. I needed the rest, and God's light made that abundantly clear this morning.