George thought this one told a story. I wish I could say I purposely got the Interstate 5 sign in the picture, but it just happened to fly by while I was snapping!
Northern California is spectacularly beautiful, and Mount Shasta was particularly breathtaking this morning!
BTW, I am home! My mother is still alive but has stabilized for the time being. It was time for me to be at home with my family for a while before I go back in the near future for her homegoing. I know I made the best decision for my family and for my own mental health.
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
332 - Mount Shasta from I-5
331 - Happy Travelers
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
My kids are the consummate travelers. We have taken the 1,000 mile trip to Southern California and back so many times, and they always make the best of being stuck in a car for 16 1/2 hours. I am so thankful for them.
330 - Sterling
Monday, November 26, 2007
This building was my "home away from home" for much of November. So, I had to take a picture of it for my final day here. It is a very nice retirement community with a senior residence, assisted-living facility and Alzheimer's unit. My mom is in assisted-living on the second floor.
329 - High Def Heaven
Sunday, November 25, 2007
My brother was SO excited about getting this High Def Flat Screen 50 inch T.V. screen that I told him that I would make it my picture of the day.
Sunday, November 25, 2007
328 - Lunch with Mom
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Applesauce, yogurt, soup and cranberry juice have been my mom's meal plan since I came on October 31.
Friday, November 23, 2007
327 - Morning Paper
We took a walk and saw this guy sitting outside the Starbuck's reading his morning paper. :)
Thursday, November 22, 2007
325 - Triathlon Man
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
My brother went and took a swim in an OUTDOOR pool in November and learned that it wasn't heated. :) He just bought a new bike and is training for a triathlon.
324 - Praying at the Window
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
This guy is at my mom's screen door almost every day.
323 - Good-Bye Old Friend
Monday, November 19, 2007
Liz came to visit my mom today. She talked of fishing and boating and water-skiing and all the fun times they had together. Liz is 86 years old and still driving, leading Bible study, and feeding the homeless in Oceanside. She is the only one of my parents' old friends left of the group of friends who moved to Fallbrook after their retirement from Rockwell International in the late 70's. It was a sweet time that concluded in a heart-warming prayer for my mom's elevation to her heavenly home.
One of my favorite things about my growing up years were my parents' great friends! Thanks Liz.
Monday, November 19, 2007
322 - Another Teenager in the House
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Paul turned thirteen! Yes, I got to celebrate it with him because my men came down to be with me in Southern CA! Aunt Holly made a HOMEMADE Bonnie Butter Cake for Paul. I told her our tradition, and she made it when she usually just uses a box or buys it from the store. Thank you Aunt Holly!
We also went out to Carl's Jr. for lunch and Red Robin for dinner where Paul got his favorite meal: Grilled Cheese Sandwich and Fries!
I am so happy to have my family with me now.
Saturday, November 17, 2007
321 - Morning Rose
Sterling has extensive rose gardens. They are so beautiful in the morning light with the dew.
320 - The Barricade
Friday, November 16, 2007
My mom slipped out under those hospital rails on Sunday night. So, the Hospice nurse thought of this innovative way to keep her from moving out.
Thursday, November 15, 2007
319 - Sterling Living Room in the Morning
I love how the light goes through the windows in the morning at my mom's place. This place is so beautifully decorated. The original owners were incredible interior designers and have antiques throughout the common areas.
318 - The Dawn of Another Day

Wednesday, November 14, 2007
I know it may seem redundant to have another sunrise picture, but these are the only pictures I have taken during the last two days because of others pressing priorities. I still never get tired of the beauty of each new day. It makes me think of Hosea 6:3:
So let us know, let us press on to know the Lord.
His going forth is as certain as the dawn . . .
So true. This is my constant in these days of seeing my mom slide toward heaven. The sunrise is a certainty even as death is a certainty for all of us.
317 - Sterling Sunrise
316 - Orchids
Monday, November 12, 2007
I bought these beautiful orchids for my mom's room. I loved how the sun hit them this morning.
Sunday, November 11, 2007
315 - Aftermath of the Southern California Fires
I went to church in Fallbrook today, and Terri brought be by the fire devastation. This is the mobile home park on Reche Rd. not too far from my parents' former home. Thankfully, all in Fallbrook were evacuated safely, and there was no loss of life.
You can see more photos if you click on this picture and scroll forward and backward on my photostream. I was amazed at how it could burn a home and skip over a green lawn and move to the next home.
314 - Gifted Women
Saturday, November 10, 2007
One of the disadvantages of living in Oregon is not being able to see any of the performances by my niece Hayley. She is almost seventeen and has been in numerous plays and dance performances. She sings, dances, and acts beautifully. Her next performance will be Rosalind in Shakespeare's "As You Like It." She has grown into a tall, graceful, smart, and beautiful young woman.
Her mother (my sister-in-law) is on the left. She is also a smart, warm, and wonderful woman who was a drama major in college but switched to pre-med (quite a leap, eh?). She is now a pediatric anesthesioloist.
Two very gifted women!
Hayley's Dance Performance
The show was not only a dance performance but also an educational odyssey through the history of women in dance. It started with Salome, who danced before King Herod and asked for the head of John the Baptist as her prize, and ended with "Material Girl" by Madonna. It was great. (My niece is the one of the left, and I am in the reflection!)
313 - Missing Home
Friday, November 9, 2007
My connection with my family has been my cell phone. I miss my three men!
Thursday, November 8, 2007
312 - Fused Glass Globe
This is a fused glass mural in the entry of the new Temecula Public Library that opened on December 14, 2006. It was an amazing place that you can see on my flickr account if you want to see the architecture and children's section. It didn't have as many books as my library (, but it was a beautiful place!
I checked out Mansfield Park by Jane Austen. I was needing a "comfy" book in these last days with mom, and Austen always feels like coming home!
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
310 - Podiatrist Pedicure
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Mom's toes looked so uncomfortable, and the hospice aid said that there is a podiatrist in town who makes housecalls. What a nice man! I am so enjoying talking to all the wonderful professionals who come in and help make my mom's last days more comfortable.
309 - Temecula Turning
Monday, November 5, 2007
I didn't take my camera to Sterling on Monday, but this is what I saw on the way. Fall comes to late here!
Sunday, November 4, 2007
307 - Mom and Dad
Saturday, November 3, 2007
Mom and Dad
Raising our family
Mom and Dad
Look at what you've done for me
And I want you to know
That I love you so
And I'm thankful too
For the love you have for me
I respect you for who you are
And for all you have raised me to be
For you've counseled and taught me
Guided and encouraged me
To reach for the stars
But most of all you've supported me
In all I've done and all I've wanted to be
Even when you couldn't understand
Or even agree
You still said, "Go ahead.
We only want our little girl happy."
Mom and Dad
Raising our family
Mom and Dad
Look at what you've done for me
And I want you know
That I love you so
And I'm thankful too
For the love you have for me
Well, I know that it's not easy
Giving us wings in which to fly
And then watching us soar
Into an unknown sky
Where dangers may lie
Though I may be far away
Not able to be with you
Much of the time
I always know
When I get home
You'll be there with a smile
Ready to welcome me back
Mom and Dad
Raising our family
Mom and Dad
Look at what you've done for me
And I want you to know
That I love you so
And I'm thankful too
For the love you have for me
306 - Mom and Me
Friday, November 2, 2007
Mom and I had much uninterrupted time together today. It was sweet.
305 - California Turning
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Fall comes later in Southern California with 75+ degree days. The leaves are just starting to turn, and there aren't as many trees that turn. I am glad I was able to see the fall in Oregon before I came here.
304 - Spiderweb Cookie Pizza
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
I helped my sister-in-law decorate this spiderweb cookie pizza that her sister sent to her.