Sunday, September 30, 2007
273 - Hi-Tech Homer
Today I learned how to record onto my computer and how to export into an MP3 so that we can listen to Homer!
Saturday, September 29, 2007
272 - Precious Treasures
I inherited my dad's chest of drawers when I went down to California this last time. George is using it, but there was still a drawer full of "stuff." I had such a blessed time unpacking and organizing memory items from my dad and his mother and my mom's parents.
The most precious thing was a letter that my dad had written to my grandparents when he was engaged to my mom, and I have included it in a photo below.
Friday, September 28, 2007
271 - Beaver Cupcake Cake
What can I say? It was on the day old rack, and we have eight boys at our house tonight. Go Beavs!
Thursday, September 27, 2007
270 - Dry Ground Brown
269 - Fall at Chip Ross Park
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
We took a little hike for co-op. The autumn leaves are just beginning to fall.
268 - A Sobering Week
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
This is an amazing documentary about World War II by Ken Burns. We will watch the second half of it next Sunday through Thursday.
Monday, September 24, 2007
267 - The View from Here
My first day back to Group Power Class since my ankle sprain. That is my friend, Lisa, on the right, and my neighbor on the left.
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Video of Fall Festival Run/Walk
I answer the question because my son didn't want to talk because he had a feeling I would want to put it on the blog. He knows me well!
266 - Family Fall Festival Run/Walk
Today was the 29th Annual Fall Festival Run. We jogged a bit and walked most of it. It was a BEAUTIFUL day for it! This 5K run is held on a flat course gliding through beautiful Oregon State University and returning to the Fall Festival event. The proceeds help The Kiwanis Club of Corvallis service the young and elderly of Corvallis and surrounding area.
We are trying to do one 5K per month this school year.
Link: Fall Festival
265 - Sorority Sisters and Spouses Saturday
You remember Jean and Leanne from here. Leanne and Joe are the parents of the groom from the wedding feast with the pig's head here.
About once or twice a year, we get together and include our husbands. We had McMenamin's and Gelato. Here we all are in downtown Corvallis in front of Leanne and Joe's new Suburban (complete with wireless headphones and a DVD player!).
They are all great people, and we always have a really good time! What is great about this group is that the husbands get along really well which is nice because they are stuck with one another while the women chat away! Also, we are all OSU Beavers with the exception of one UO Duck. (Jim, second from left), but we don't hold it against him. :) Also, Jim is the guy who does pastel art that I have told many of you about. If you haven't seen it, check it out here. Jim also knows photography, and he READS his manuals. So, he made some adjustments on my camera to help me! YIPPEE!
Saturday, September 22, 2007
264 - Options Banquet
Friday, September 21, 2007
A lovely night at the Options Pregnancy Resource Center fundraising banquet.
Thursday, September 20, 2007
263 - The Passion Flower
We had a field trip to the Oregon Garden today, and this was one of the most unusual flowers from our time. See the explanation below.
262 - Chairs
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
This is one of my favorite things about every other Wednesday. After we finish delivering books to shut-ins in the community and while my kids look for their own library books for the week, I go to the reading room and slip into this quiet world where the sunlight streaks on dusty chairs and shines on my shoulder as I read. Life's simple pleasure.
261 - Orange Tuesday with Teala
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
After a tearful Tuesday meltdown, I was praying and realized that I needed to get out of the house because this ankle sprain has left me housebound. Within minutes, I got a call from my dear friend of 29 years, Teala. She said, "Carol, I wanted to get some adult time and was going to call Debbie to go out for dinner, but God said, 'Call Carol.'" God really does know and orchestrate everything! So, here is my sweet friend in her orange shirt that matched the walls of the little Italian restaurant where we had a wonderful dinner. Tearful Tuesday turned to Teala Tuesday!
Monday, September 17, 2007
260 - The Turning
I spotted this on my evening walk. The leaves are beginning to turn and the beautiful colors of fall are upon us!
Sunday, September 16, 2007
259 - The Colors of My Week
So, what do you do when you fall asleep at 7 p.m. the night before and wake up at 3:30 a.m. the next morning? You make up a color-coded weekly schedule!
I was SO into this that I could barely rip myself away to go to church, and I was positively GLEEFUL when I saw this on my screen when I came home! I worked on it more after this! I think it looks like a stegasauras, don't you?
You know you are an "SJ" (or a real GEEK) when you are positively gleeful about something like this. I have GOT to get a life!
258 - SHAPE Saturday
I tested and taught on Spiritual Gifts and Myers-Briggs personality types today to the college leaders. They were fun and blunt and engaging. I liked the lighting in this pic.
I was wiped afterward and went to sleep at 7 p.m.!
Friday, September 14, 2007
257 - China Room
Today, we had a field trip to the A.C. Gilbert Chidren's Museum in Salem, and this is what was on the ceiling in the China Room. So colorful!
Thursday, September 13, 2007
256 - Challah Bread

256 - Challah Bread, originally uploaded by carolfoasia.
The weather has turned cold and rainy sooner than I expected. So, I made some beef stew and challah bread today.
254 - Breaking Free
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
I went and had tea while my son had piano lessons today, and the art consisted of a great collection of quilts by a group called "Breaking Free," and this is the title of this particular quilt. I smiled because this is what I feel like I have done in the past year. :)
253 - Tea Time
Monday, September 10, 2007
We took a break during homeschooling to have a very simple tea time on our deck. We don't have too many more days like this before the rains come. It was a beautiful, sunny day.
Sunday, September 9, 2007
252 - Backyard Badminton
Can you see the Yellow Birdie? It is blurry, but I got it in the shot! I am still working on those actions shots!
Saturday, September 8, 2007
251 - The Wedding Feast
We attended a wedding in a park today, and this is what was at the reception!
Friday, September 7, 2007
250 - Life Imitates Art
I just found this on my camera. My oldest made this interesting sculpture out of playdough today, and while documenting his "art," he accidentally captured youngest with a similar expression to the sculpture. Maybe it isn't as funny as I think it is.
Thursday, September 6, 2007
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
248 - Band of Brothers
Tonight was the beginning of my husband's fourth year of "Boys' Group" with this band of brothers!
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
247 - The Color of Flesh and One of These is Not Like the Other

247 - The Color of Flesh and One of These is Not Like the Other, originally uploaded by carolfoasia.
I am looking out my window at a GORGEOUS sunset that would make a wonderful picture of the day, but the picture explains why walking down the stairs and outside would be too painful today. :)
Monday, September 3, 2007
Why Do You Have a Picture of Clouds?
Because I was flat on my back after spraining my ankle. Can you believe it? First I faint in Pilates on Thursday. Now, I sprain my ankle on Monday. What's next?
The View from Mary's Peak
I went to spend a day in prayer up on the summit of Mary's Peak. Soon, you will see what happened to me. . .What a week.
Sunday, September 2, 2007
Saturday, September 1, 2007
244 - Yellow
This is from a gorgeous field of sunflowers that I spied on the way to Ginny and Lorraine's today. I took pictures of it on my way home. There was a path leading right into from the road.
(If you haven't figured it out, I am doing a "colors" set this week.)
I visited a friend on Wednesday and couldn't resist taking a picture of her daughter's beautiful blue eyes.