I decided to change the Bible Book Club picture. Still not sure if I like it, but it will do for now.
A Mostly Daily Photojournal
Niki rocks as a teacher of the high school kids in co-op. Some kids do not like getting their picture taken, and one of them is MINE!
The sun came through the window on Monday and illuminated this card in such a beautiful way. After sort of a sad Sunday, God light came through to me on a sunny Monday!
I was a little "down" on Sunday until I started gaining perspective while correcting reviews for the Perspectives class! It was a gift from God.
This is part of my day. I didn't get to my post until 10 p.m. tonight, but I am always glad when I can meditate on God's Word, reflect on what it says, and apply it to my life. :)
Attempting to get our veggies without having to always have salads. This was yummy for dinner.
I took this while having the camera on my lap, and it took me nine shots to get it right in the mirror. In the meantime, Sherry and I were laughing. We have been friends ever since she gave me a pedicure and manicure back in May of 2006 when she she told me she was reading the Bible and had some questions.
I must admit. I took this early this morning, but it reflects what I did yesterday. I finished the Narrative of Frederick Douglass and started Up from Slavery by Booker T. Washington. They are both on my Well-Educated Mind list, and the kids will start reading Frederick Douglass next week. Inspiring. Everyone should read them to understand our painful history. How appropriate that I would be reading this just days before the inauguration our first black president.
I looked down at the piles accumulating on our coffee table and laughed at all the things I am juggling in my life right now.
Left above: The History of US for homeschool history. Next to that is the corner of the American Literature Syllabus from which Paul was on the other side of the coffee table writing his "Puritan to Romantic" paper and bouncing ideas off of me. Thoreau's Walden and "Civil Disobedience" are on top of the history books and crying out to be read. :)
Left to Right below:
Discipleship Discussions class materials - I was typing up the last "Follow Up" Bible Studies that from Lorraine's notes she had written in the 50's - 70's in Japan.
Paper with phone numbers - Seems like I am always behind in calling people back on the phone!
Face to Face - My prayer book
Bible Book Club - We are going through the life of Job and Laura gave me a great book by John Piper with photography alond with the story! I am loving the daily discipline of writing about each chapter of the Bible!!!!
I love how Michael and Paul both make their own lunch. This is one of Michael's many creations.
(It was a beautiful day for picture taking with our long drive to Eugene, but I realized that I didn't bring the card to put in the digital. Oh well!)
"To sit alone in the lamplight with a book spread out before you, and hold intimate converse with men of unseen generations - such is a pleasure beyond compare." ~Kenko Yoshida
It is so fun to read my grandmother's ("Wardie") copy of Silas Marner with her notes and underlining inside.