A local production of Beauty and the Beast at the Majestic. Two of the Smith kids and our dear friend, Megan, were in tihs production. Flowers for all! Bravo!
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
The FInal Bow
Monday, April 28, 2008
Bruce's Memorial
It was hard to post these pictures of Bruce's Memorial. I didn't think Mary Beth would want pictures, but she called when I had already gotten to the service to help with set up. The kids wanted pictures, and I had put my camera in my bag just in case.
A tough and emotional day, but a wonderful celebration of a life well-lived.
Good-bye old friend.
Mike read an essay that Bruce's oldest son, Spencer, had written for a high school writing class before Bruce's diagnosis. The essay was entitled "Superman" and was a tribute to his dad. Then, Mike and Scott sang a song they wrote about Bruce. (Superman was Bruce's nickname because he looked like Clark Kent in his younger years).
Coach Scott
One of Bruce's dreams was to be a coach. Well, Melanoma gave him the opportunity spending his last days doing what he loved, coaching a middle school football team. This is another fellow coach giving the football players the charge that Bruce used to give them. It was an emotional part of the service to hear loads of middle schoolers chanting.
Mikaela at Bruce's Memorial
I have been stalling about putting these pictures from my 2008 365 journey up because they make me cry all over again.
This is a picture of dear Mikaela, who lost her dad to Melanoma cancer on April 21. She is a poised and beautiful 18 year old that I used to hold in my arms as a baby.
Life marches on . . .
(The woman with her is another dear friend, Terri, who was a bridemaid in my wedding and great sister in the faith. She has had Mikaela in a small discipleship Bible study and was there for moral support as Mikaela spoke)
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Up, Up and Away
We "let go" of our burdens at the end of the retreat. Some of us let go by popping our balloons inside because we didn't want to hurt any birds. :)
Saturday, April 19, 2008
A group of us hiked to the crosses on Saturday of the retreat. (Some of us even did it twice).
The Best Hour of the Retreat
I am so behind in my 365! During Suburban's retreat at the coast, there is always one hour devoted to silent meditation and prayer over the speaker's subject. It really is the best hour of the retreat!
This is the one of the college gals who came.
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Hannah's Tucson Wedding
I can't remember how it happened, but somehow in an email exchange with my college Navigator leader, he informed me that Hannah wanted to be our nanny when we first moved to Southeast Asia. She was only 15 years old and lived with us for our first summer in 1997.
Fast forward to April 2008 where she is marrying the son of Southeast Asian missionaries! Their relationship deepened when they took a team there two years ago. She says her heart for that part of the world all started with that trip in the summer of 1997.
We were honored to be part of their nuptials in Tuscon.
Fred Gives Away His Baby
Fred gave a blessing to the couple, and he could barely hold back his tears. Fred was my Nav leader in college; a wise and wonderful man. After he blessed them, Hannah surprised him by giving her the purity ring he had given her when she was a teenager. That was the first thing he showed us after the wedding. Tears.
Hannah's Sisters
I used to babysit these girls when they were under five! They are now 30 and 32 years old.
Mother of the Bride
This is Hannah's mom! I have known her since 1979. She is a Godly woman. She and her husband were my Nav leaders when I was in college.
Nanny Nancy and Me
What is the probability of having two of your nannys from Southeast Asian BOTH living in Tucson? "Nanny Yancey" (as Paul called her) was our nanny after Hannah!
She has been begging me to come to Tucson and go to this lovely "Chantilly Tea House." It was everything I expected and more. Delightful!
Brown to Beauty
Nancy says that these are usually ugly and brown throughout the year, but they bloom every spring. I can't remember what they are called.
Desert Blooms
Springtime in Tucson is fabulous. We took a walk in Nancy and Grant's neighborhood, and it was delightful!
Saturday Morning in Tucson
We arrived at Nancy and Grant's house in Tucson late at night. The next morning she treated us to tea, croissants, yogurt and fruit. delightful!
Friday, April 11, 2008
Leaving on a Jet Plane
I have been to airports all over the world, and I think that Portland's is one of the most beautiful. I love the light that streams through the skylights. We flew out of here on our way to Tucson. We listened to Latin rhythms while sipping Starbuck's and watching people. Love to watch people coming and going in airports.
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
The Wonder of Discovery
We went to Oregon Museum of Science and Industry; and while the rest of the group took a tour of a submarine on the Willamette River, I took care of the youngest member of our party, E. She had such a fun time with the balls and air tubes.
Monday, April 7, 2008
Bible Book Club Builders
We built a tabernacle for Bible Book Club since we were in Exodus last month and are in Leviticus this month. The kids helped too. Great fun!
Thursday, April 3, 2008
4-H Digital Photography Class
George and I are leading a 4-H class on digital photography this spring. We were going to stay inside and talk about pictures, but the sun was out in OREGON! We had to take advantage of the weather. So, we loaded them all in our Suburban and took them to the Finley Wildlife Refuge.
What a great day! This is the only picture I took for the day. The rest of the photos for that day were taken by my son Michael (second from left) because he had our D-80. So, he is the "guest photographer" for the remainder of this day!