We spent the day with my mother-in-law looking at the trees that were planted on land the family owns. She fixed us a wonderful lunch (clam sauce on angel hair pasta with homemade french bread and homegrown green beans). Then, we walked up to the trailer that my dh lived in while they were building their present house. Then we looked at all the trees that were planted on the "Back 40." My dh arranged for forestry referral for the land so that the property taxes wouldn't be so high. The state financed the planting of 6,300 trees.
This was my favorite picture of the day. My mother-in-law hiked up and down the hills on the property with us. She will be 79 years old in June, and she outhiked us all!
We came back to the house and visited and ate homemade chocolate pudding pie.
I love my mother-in-law.
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Mother and Son on the Farm
Douglas Fir Flower
We have never seen a flower on the Douglas Fir before, but we found an old tree today with these pretty flowers budding.
Do You Know What These Are?
These were budding in the forest on the property, but George can't remember what they are called. They are the first bush to bloom.
New Trees
We had 6,300 Douglas Firs planted on the land last week. The seedlings are topped with white to protect the buds.
Through the Looking Glass
I love how this picture shows my mother-in-laws living room and the outside of her house at the same time.
Friday, March 21, 2008
Passover Sedar
We just read in Exodus about the Passover in Bible Book Club. So, I asked some of the local BBCers if they would like to have a Passover Sedar dinner. Even though Passover is on April 20th, we decided to hold it during Holy Week. Jan graciously offered her home and her husband, Dennis, cooked a scrumptious lamb. We all brought different dishes, and our good pastor friend, Phil, led the Sedar.
It was a lovely evening! The little kids were so amazingly attentive and quiet. It was such a joy and so meaningful after having just read and studied it.
Bible Book Club Participants
These women come to the monthly local Bible Book Club. Laura on the northend is in blue. Cathi on the northend is in the front on the right, and Jan on the northend is in the back in black with the white head covering.
Passover and Ham?
I had to put this in. It is so "me." I had fun making the pharaoh and Moses puppets talk back and forth to one another. This is from my "Passover Plagues Bag."
What a wonderful evening.
I was the only kosher "ham" at the Passover!
Thursday, March 20, 2008
First Day of Spring
This what I do for the kids for the first day of spring. See the next photo for a close up of the soil for the tulip. :)
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Sick Car and Family
My whole family was sick, but I wanted to get my hair cut, but my car wouldn't start. :)
Saturday, March 15, 2008
A Day of Discovery
I took pictures for a Parents for Education Plus Discovery Day that my friend, Dee, organized. There were many classes. This is my favorite picture of this day. This boy was SO excited to dissect his first squid! He knew more than the teacher about them too. Very cute. I found out toward the end of the class that this is a child of a guy that my husband knows from high school! Small world and fun day.
Matthew Hard at Work
This is the same adorable guy that came to my door to sell Cub Scout popcorn last fall. Here he is at the PE+ Day
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Ornamental Plum
My neighbor was chopping down their ornamental plum tree, and she asked if I wanted some branches. I put it in water, and this is what bloomed!
Spring is almost upon us!
Sunday, March 9, 2008
We wanted to get something special as a gift from my mom to our kids. They have so many friends with these, but they have never even asked for one. So, Geo waited in line two weeks ago, but his number was not drawn.
The same thing happened this Sunday, but the couple in front of him gave Geo their number and said, "Merry Christmas!" Now that is a Random Act of Kindness if I ever saw one.
My entertainment and my kids' entertainment are quite different. :)
Saturday, March 8, 2008
Champoeg Park 10K
For those of you who read "The Well" blog, you are not seeing double! I posted this in both places.
We did a 10K at Champoeg Park along the Willametter River. It was very fun and no complaint were heard. The weather was perfect, not too hot or cold and NO WIND! We took the little Powershot. So, the pictures aren't as nice as the pro ones that were taken of us along the way:
Ash Wetland Off The Willamette
This was our favorite sight along the 10K route at about the halfway point.
Along the Willamette in Champoeg Park
We were on the 10K walk, but there were 10K, 20K, and 30K (!) runners lapping us throughout the race! it was quite exciting.
Friday, March 7, 2008
Race Car Derby
My kids did 4-H Derby Cars for the last two months, and this night was the BIG RACE! We had a big potluck with about seven other homeschool families and cleared out a church sanctuary to set up the race track. Very fun evening! I especially loved my talk with a high school senior girl. She was precious!
Precious Bundle
This precious bundle was at the Race Car Derby! Love her expression. By the way, she is the baby sister of this girl. Mom is a blonde-haired beauty of seven children, and her daughters are all gorgeous!
War Protesters at Twilight
I forgot that I had the camera on a slow speed. So this blurred as I snap the protesters in front of the courthouse from our moving car. I thought it was a cool picture!
Thursday, March 6, 2008
First Blooms
George and I are teaching a Digital Photography Class. So, we took the kids out to a park to snap away. We told them the goal is "quantity" of photographs. One of the girls took 168 photos in 35 minutes!
Here are just a few from the park. Nothing special.
Bike Path through Starker Arts Park
I have taken this bike path for about thirty years now. I take off from the university and do the loop around town. The park and ball fields came in the late 80's. This area used to be pristine farm land back then. The park was a nice addition, but much of the bike path is now lined with housing developments. Progress. Sigh.
Sarah the Photog
This lovely young woman is a very good photographer. She is the assistant in the class. She has a D-80 like mine and already does regular photography gigs.
In August 2005, when she was 13, she was diagnosed with Lymphoma. Her request from the Make-A-Wish Foundation was this camera. Her scans look great now. However, her mom has inflammatory, metastatic breast cancer, and her liver is now failing. Please pray for this dear family!